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World: Official Data now available for 103 countries + territories!

Kuwait, where the Toyota Prado is #1, is one of 103 countries/territories with official data on BSCB

* See the direct links to these 103 articles by clicking on the title! *

With the addition of Scotland, Nothern IrelandYemen, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, Best Selling Cars Blog now features official sales data for 101 countries and territories around the world! A lot of this is thanks to you all, you haven’t stopped contributing to enrich this site since its creation 18 months ago so I want to thank you very much for your support!

Among the countries and territories with official data, there are a few that haven’t had much love in a few years: I haven’t managed to get any official sales figures for Nepal since 2002, Cyprus since 2006Macedonia since 2007Gabon since 2009Bosnia & HerzegovinaCote d’Ivoire, EcuadorKazakhstan and Tunisia all since 2010. So if you have access for more recent info for these countries please make sure you get in touch by commenting on here!

This means there are still 65 countries and territories with only estimated data, mainly through my exploration of recent YouTube videos of the streets of these countries, a lot of which are located in Africa. I have published a separate article listing all countries that still need official data so you can see where you can help.

I have listed below the fold all 103 countries with official sales data with a link to the most recent article for each country. Click on ‘Read more’ to see.

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