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Media post: The Forgotten Mopar Cars

Chrysler 300J. Picture courtesy The big three American automobile companies, GM, Ford and Chrysler, are really the “Big Two” and Chrysler. Chrysler has always been somewhat of a little brother to the other two, and you can see this in the cars they make. It seems they often target…

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Media post: The Evolution of Gas Pumping

Most of the states in the U.S used to have fire laws that disallowed “untrained personnel” from dispensing flammable fluids. Governments were worried about accidents happening due to letting people pump their own gas into their cars. This meant gasoline being dispensed at fill-up stations by their staff. Here’s the story. Early days The first filling stations began to come…

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Media post: Best US Cities for EV Owners

If you are considering the purchase of an Electric Vehicle (EV), there is more than just the cost of the vehicle and its driving range to consider. Hiley Volkswagen of Arlington, TX, a local Volkswagen dealer in Arlington,TX, insists that every EV driver should also investigate where the local charging stations…

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Best Selling Cars Blog turns 6!

Six years ago I launched BestSellingCarsBlog. Over the years it has grown into one of the most visited car blogs on the planet, and from an additional channel for my lifelong passion into a full-blown business. This blog would not have survived if it weren’t for your support along these years.…

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Media post: The Story Behind the Superbird

In the late 1970s, NASCAR was becoming a major automotive institution. With large audiences following the weekend races, the car industry noticed something interesting; when a particular car won a race, people went to their local car dealer the next week and bought that car. Essentially, a win at NASCAR…

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Media post: The Prowler

Chrysler’s Plymouth Division has been known to make some outrageous cars but there is one that takes the cake: the Plymouth Prowler. The Prowler was unlike any other car ever made by a major automobile company. It was basically a modern version of the California roadster hotrods of the 1940s.…

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Media post: Doing Nitrous

If you like performance cars, you’ve undoubtedly heard about Nitrous Oxide. Nitrous Oxide systems are a way to dramatically boost the horsepower of engines without internal hardware modifications. They really aren’t a good idea to install on standard street cars, however, because they can be dangerous. That being said, enthusiasts…

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Media post: 1.21 Gigawatts?

Have you seen the 1985 movie Back to the Future? If so, you know what 1.21 Gigawatts is needed for. As Michael J. Fox finds out in the movie, it’s the amount of energy that a Delorean time travel machine needs to work. Back to the Future was a great…

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