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Cameroon: Hilux on top

* Click on title for Cameroon street scenes! * The car market in Cameroon is still relatively limited with 3,167 new vehicles sold in 2007 (vs. around 75,000 yearly used car sales). Toyota holds close to half the market (40% in 2004 - last official figures) and should place the…

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Zambia: Toyota king

Toyota Hilux in Livingstone, Zambia June 2007 * Click on title for more street scenes! * The Zambian car market shows the strength of Toyota: at least 1 in every 3 cars is a Toyota Corolla! In all likeliness the Corolla is still the best-selling car in the country these…

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Qatar 2010: Land Cruiser at 15%+

Picture by Aljazi Al-Nasr. All rights reserved. Car sales in Qatar are pretty easy to decipher as a few models really stand out. The Toyota Land Cruiser is omnipresent in the streets of Doha and should secure no less than 15 to 20% of the Qatari market this year. In…

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Cambodia: Camry potential best-seller

* Click on the title for many more street scenes! * Based on observation of the streets of Phnom Penh through YouTube videos, the Toyota Camry is in all likeliness the best-selling car in Cambodia, and could have been so for many years given the number of different generations still…

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