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Iran November 2013: Peugeot 405 new best-seller?

Peugeot Pars * See the Top 20 most produced models by clicking on the title! * As is the tradition on BSCB, I can share with you local Iranian production figures as sales data remains unavailable. For now this is a pretty accurate picture of what cars are the most popular in…

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Austria November 2013: VW Touran in Top 10

VW Touran * See the Top 60 best-selling models and Top 42 All-brands by clicking on the title! * The Austrian new car sales are down 4% year-on-year in November to 23,350 registrations, bringing the year-to-date total to 298,204 units, down 6% on 2012. The VW Golf continues to dominate the…

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Pakistan November 2013: Suzuki Mehran shoots up to 27% share

Suzuki Mehran (Indian version). Picture by njyo, all rights reserved. * See the Top 10 best-selling models by clicking on the title! * As is the tradition on BSCB, each month I share with you the sales of locally produced models provided by the Pakistan Automotive Manufacturers Association, a pretty accurate representation…

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China November 2013: Focus on the all-new models

Hyundai wants to sell 100,000 Mistra in 2014, and will. * See the Top 319 All-models by clicking on the title! Thanks CarnewsChina * As is now the tradition on BestSellingCarsBlog, after going through November data by models and brands and the year-to-date update, we now zoom in on the all-new locally produced models making their…

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