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Media post: How a car lease works

Interested in leasing a car instead of buying one? Not sure what exactly leasing a vehicle entails? Well, don’t worry we are here to break down the basics of what it means to lease a car and how it works. Leasing a vehicle every few years is still an immensely…

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BSCB needs your help!

Dear BSCB readers, as we commit to expand our new car sales coverage we need your help in sourcing sales data for some markets. Depending on the quality and reliability of the data you are able to provide, you may be eligible for a free annual Premium or Platinum Membership…

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China Test Drives 2019: Geely Binyue

Geely Binyue in Kunming, Yunnan. One year ago I tested the Geely Boyue and was thoroughly impressed by its almost rally car-like handling thanks to particularly brazen sales people. I did not expect that from the "soccer mum SUV" the Boyue is. Since, Geely has released the smaller Binyue to…

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