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Photo Report: On the Karakoram Highway – China side

Karakoram Highway at Bulong Lake (click on any image to enlarge) After Ürümqi and Kashgar, we continue on our adventure through the Xinjiang Uyghur, China's Westernmost autonomous region. Today we take the legendary Karakoram Highway on the Chinese side for 450km between Kashgar (altitude 1.260m) and the Khunjerab Pass on the…

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Slovenia April 2014: VW Golf takes the lead

The VW Golf passes the Renault Clio to rank #1 in Slovenia this month. * See the Top 100 best-selling models and Top 33 All-brands by clicking on the title! * New car sales in Slovenia are up 4% year-on-year in April to 4,876 registrations, bringing the year-to-date total to…

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