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Greece September 2020: Peugeot 208 leads market up 20.5%

The Peugeot 208 is the best-selling vehicle in Greece in September. New car sales in Greece surge 20.5% year-on-year in September to 7.107 units, leading to a year-to-date tally down -35.3% to 60.046 units. Toyota (-5%) easily keeps the lead of the brands ranking with 12.4% share while Peugeot (+123.2%)…

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Europe July 2020: Market fall thaws to -3.6%, xEVs hold record 18% share, Renault and BMW surge, VW Golf #1, Peugeot 2008 up to record #7

The Peugeot 2008 smashes its European ranking record at #7. Picture 31/08 update: Now with Top 353 All-models. 28/08 update: Now with final Top 55 All-brands and Top 100 models. As you have already tracked on our Live COVID-19 Dashboard, the European new car market has spectacularly stabilised in July, posting…

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