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Media post: Eco-Driven: How College Campuses are Pioneering Sustainable Automotive Solutions

College campuses around the world are becoming breeding grounds for innovative solutions in sustainable transportation. These institutions are not only centers for academic learning but also hubs for practical, environmental change, particularly in the automotive sector. By focusing on sustainability, colleges are playing a crucial role in developing and implementing…

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Singapore February 2024: BYD overall best-seller

BYD sales are up 10-fold year-on-year in Singapore. 2,414 new cars found a buyer in Singapore in February, a solid 13% year-on-year growth. This leads to a year-to-date volume up 15.7% to 4,654. This month's biggest story is without a doubt the very first pole position of BYD (+1045.9%) up…

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Media post: Tips for Long-Haul Trucking

Embarking on long-haul trucking journeys can lead to substantial gains yet the route is far from smooth sailing. Mane­uvering through extende­d stretches on the road and battling the­ whims of unpredictable weather pose just a snippet of the e­veryday challenges that trucking companie­s must tackle head-on. Neve­rtheless armed with e­ffective…

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