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Media post: What is a crossover?

We all know what a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) is. It’s a large-ish, four door vehicle with a steel frame and four wheel drive. A decade or so ago, an SUV was something like a Chevy Suburban or Tahoe. They were the car of choice for those that needed lots…

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Media post: The car that changed America

On July 30, 1863, Henry Ford was born in Dearborn, Michigan. As a youngster, he grew up curious about the machinery that was used for farming and enjoyed working on it. When he got older, he got a part-time job working for the nearby Westinghouse Engine Company. At Westinghouse, Henry…

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Media posts: Manual Transmission Myths

It hasn’t disappeared yet but the old manual transmission is on the endangered list. As of 2015, less than 4 percent of new cars were equipped with manual transmissions. Despite the small numbers, though, defenders of manuals are a hardy group. They still claim superiority in gas mileage and efficiency.…

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