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USSR/Russia: 1970-2023 detailed Historical Data now available

The Lada 2101-2103 was the dominant force in the USSR in the seventies. The direct links to 31 USSR/Russia Historical posts are below. 24/06/2019 update: Monthly All-brands rankings are now available without interruption from January 2008 onwards. The start of a big scale overhaul of BSCB's Historical Data, sales figures for…

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Explore China 2019: The cars of Lhasa, Tibet

Toyota Tundra in front of the Potala Palace, Lhasa. After Shanghai, Manzhouli in Inner Mongolia and Kunming, Dali and Lijiang in Yunnan, we finish our Chinese exploration following the Shanghai Auto Show on a high note. After many years of anticipation and missed opportunities because of how convoluted the permit process is, I…

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