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Peru January-April 2010: Yaris dominates

One model is head and shoulders above the competition in Peru: the Toyota Yaris, with the sedan being the preferred version. It delivers 2,564 sales in just 4 months, or 12.4% of the market. The Kia Rio comes in 2nd at 5.5%, ahead of the Toyota Corolla at 4.2%. Top…

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Colombia 6 months 2010: Aveo at 12%

Chevrolet dominates the Colombian car sales and places the Aveo first with 13,870 registrations and 12.1% of the market (vs. 13.5% in 2009), and the Spark 2nd with 6,502 sales and 5.7%. In third, the Renault Sandero, helped by the Stepway version (pictured below), gets a solid 4.7% market share,…

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Lithuania June 2010: Yeti roars

The Lithuanian car market has been severely hit by the economic crisis: after dropping by 66% in 2009, it contracts by another 26% over the 1st Semester 2010 at 3,553 sales, and by 22% in June at 723 sales. Given the small size of the market, the models ranking is…

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Moldova: Dacia Logan should top the ranking

No official car sales figures available from Moldova, so my estimation is solely based on the observation of You Tube videos of the streets of the capital Chisinau. Please shout if you have any Moldavian car sales data! The Moldavian market seems to be strongly influenced by its neighbour Romania,…

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Serbia 2007: Zastava Koral in the lead

Zastava Koral Official Serbian car sales data very rarely pops up, and the most recent official models ranking I have dates back to 2007. Since then the Zastava brand disappeared, with the last Zastava-branded car rolling out of the Kragujevac factory in November 2008. The factory is now used to…

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Hungary 5 months 2010: Ford Focus #1

* See the Top 10 best-selling models by clicking on the title! * The Hungarian car market is in dire straits: with only 17,391 registrations over the first 5 months 2010, it drops by 49% vs. 2009, which was already at -50% vs. 2008! Suzuki models, built in the country,…

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Macedonia 2007: Chevrolet Spark leads the way

* See the Top 10 best-selling models by clicking on the title! * Car sales figures in Macedonia are very rarely made available, so if you happen to have more recent data please make sure to get in touch. In 2007, Chevrolet lead the sales in Macedonia and the Chevrolet…

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