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France 1984: Peugeot 205 takes the relay

Peugeot 205 * See the Top 168 best-selling models by clicking on the title! * New car sales in France are down 13% in 1984 to 1,750,800 registrations. After 10 years of reign of the Renault 5, the Peugeot 205 makes up for a shy start in 1983 and helped…

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Italy 1984: Fiat Uno and Regata shine

Fiat Uno * See the Top 15 best-selling models by clicking on the title! Many thanks to Andrea * The Italian car market is up 3% this year at 1,636,363 registrations. Unsurprisingly, the Fiat Uno is numero uno again with sales up a massive 35% year-on-year at 331,050 units and…

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Sweden 1984: Last year of reign for the Volvo 200

Volvo 245 * See 'Read more' for the Top 23 best-selling models! Many thanks to Torbjörn for the data * Swedish consumers bought 231,121 cars in 1984, possibly the country's best year so far. The Volvo 200 maintains its stranglehold over the market with 38,500 sales for a 16.7% market share,…

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Germany 1981-1983: VW Golf reclaims top spot

VW Golf * See the Top 100 best-selling models by clicking on the title! Thanks Florian for the data * On this quiet Sunday I thought I would take you for a trip down memory lane. Let's explore the German market from 30 years ago... After a one year-interruption by the…

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