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Historical Data now available for 10 additional countries

The Tofas Sahin was among the best selling cars in Turkey in the 90's. Historical data has now been added for 10 additional countries: Canada (up to 2004), Czech Republic (1969), Malaysia (2000), Poland (1992), Romania (1969), Slovakia (1969), Slovenia (2003), Switzerland (2004), Turkey (1993) and Venezuela (2002). Witness the growth of the Skoda Octavia in Poland, Czech…

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UK February 2011: VW Golf tops the ranking!

The UK market is down for the 8th consecutive month in February, however recording the smallest decline over the period at -8% with 63,424 registrations. February has a traditionally low volume as buyers await the March plate change, resulting in a very volatile models ranking: Exceptional event this month, the…

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Turkey January 2011: Symbol at 9.4%, Jetta #2

VW Jetta Excellent start of the year in Turkey with 29,868 registrations in January, +137% year-on-year! The Renault Symbol reaches 9.4% market share with 2,807 sales, nearly double its historical level... Outstanding performance of the VW Jetta, up to #2 with 1,755 sales and 5.9%. The Hyundai Accent Era is…

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