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Guest post: Fuel efficiency tips

Fuel is one of the biggest ongoing expenses for motorists everywhere, yet many incur the expense on a daily basis even when it’s not getting any cheaper. You might think that you can’t increase your fuel efficiency without taking extreme steps or random devices you can buy off late night…

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BestSellingCarsBlog in the Brazilian media!

* See the Full article by clicking on the title! * This week BestSellingcarsBlog is the source of a series of articles about the best-selling cars around the world in the Brazilian car media: one article in the car website and two in the press in Correio Braziliense and…

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Guest post: Car security tips

According to a government report on crime prevention, among major Western countries, Australia’s rate of car theft is second only to that in the United Kingdom and according to The Australian Bureau of Statistics  an estimated 65,600 incidents of motor vehicle theft were experienced in the 12 months prior to…

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Pakistan July 2013: Suzuki Cultus and Honda City shine

Suzuki Cultus in Neelum Valley, Pakistan. Picture by Black-Z-ro, all rights reserved. * See the Top 10 best-selling local models by clicking on the title! * The Pakistan Automotive Manufacturers Association communicates each month the sales of locally produced models, which is a pretty accurate representation of the most popular new cars in the country…

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Guest post: The best Hondas of all time

Honda NSX Honda has a long history of bringing innovation, reliability, and unique styling to the road thanks to the fact that it stretches it automotive-engineering arms into many different areas of production. They are a huge name in racing, motorcycles, and even recreational vehicles. The numbers for Honda cars…

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