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Slovakia October 2010: Octavia #1, Sportage #5

The Slovakian market is slowly recovering from a dismal year: October is at +10% vs. 2009 but the year-to-date sales are still at -33% vs. last year. Like in Czech Republic, the Skoda Octavia is ahead, followed by the Fabia, but their market shares are significantly lower: 8.6% and 7.5%…

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Slovakia 1995-1999: Skoda Felicia best seller

The Skoda Felicia, actually an evolution of the 1987 Skoda Favorit, launches in October 1994 and replaces the Favorit atop the Slovakian car sales for the next 5 years, in all likeliness reaching market shares of between 33 and 50%. More details about the Skoda Felicia here, more pictures: click on…

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