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Help needed!

Dear readers, I am calling for your help regarding 3 major European markets that either have dropped off the monthly list or remain incomplete in spite of all my efforts to build a regular and detailed database. Your help can be anonymous and will be greatly appreciated, and rewarded. Czech…

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Media post: The Age-old question: Buy new or used?

Image source: Every prospective car buyer is always faced with an age old question: should you buy new or used? Consumers have varying preferences and budgets that it’s pretty much impossible to have a definitive answer that will suit everybody. Buying new or used vehicles have their respective advantages…

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Guest post: Top cars with the best interior

Vauxhall Adam Slam interior When you think of luxury interiors, your thoughts might turn to Rolls Royce, Jaguar, or perhaps to James Bond's well-equipped Aston Martin. But there are plenty of more affordable, practical cars that offer a comfortable and enjoyable experience for driver and passengers alike. Creature comforts Everyone…

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