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Media post: New Cars 2018 in Indonesia

This article is in bahasa language for our Indonesian audience. Please click on the title to see the full article. Jakarta - Sepanjang tahun ini (Januari-Oktober) pasar otomotif di Indonesia diramaikan dengan banyaknya mobil baru yang meluncur. Berikut ini daftar yang Carmudi rangkum: Untuk melihat spesfikasi semua jajaran mobil baru…

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Media post: Are You Upside Down?

Owing more than a vehicle's worth on a car loan is often referred to as being "upside down." If you owe $8,000 on your car loan and its only worth $6,000, well, you do the math. Instead of upside down, financial professionals use a less colorful term: "negative equity." Whatever…

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Media post: Dodge’s Historic Charger

For some, the utterance of “Dodge Charger” stirs up images of the bright orange sedan launching off ramps in “The Dukes of Hazzard.” The car, called the “General Lee,” was a second-generation charger and this generation is now considered by some to be the best muscle cars ever made. In…

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Media post: The First Challenger

Mention the words “Dodge Challenger” to any car enthusiast and they will likely gush about the awesome Dodge Hellcat Challengers built in just the last few years. Ask them when the first Challenger appeared, however, and you will probably get a blank stare.  This is because its not common knowledge…

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