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France 1-23 April 2012: Peugeot 3008 up to #4

Peugeot 3008 * See the Top 10 best-selling models by clicking on the title! * At 108,308 units over the first 3 weeks of April, French new car sales seem to have stabilised around -5% year-on-year now that the comparison with the scrappage scheme-boosted first Quarter of 2011 has ended.…

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France LCV March 2012: Fiat Ducato up to #2

Fiat Ducato * See the Top 75 best-selling models by clicking on the title! * French Light Commercial Vehicle sales are down 12% year-on-year at 36,493 registrations, bringing the year-to-date total to 103,072 units, down 7% on 2011. The Renault Kangoo is #1 for the third month in a row…

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France 1 to 12 March 2012: 4 foreigners in Top 10!

Opel Corsa * See the Top 10 best-selling models by clicking on the title! * The French market continues to readjust after being boosted by scrappage schemes in 2010-2011, down 21% year-on-year over the first 12 days of March at 53,315 registrations. Now that the Peugeot 208 is arriving in…

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