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Media post: Equipment Transportation

Transporting equipment is an absolute necessity in some industries such as construction or when manufacturers have projects to complete using specific machinery. And many construction companies often see little need to purchase flatbeds or containers for moving fixed working capital. The type of equipment will often dictate the type of…

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Media post: 7 tips on how to save fuel

Electric cars are not only on the horizon, they are starting to populate our driveways and with them are gone the days of fretting about how expensive fuel is. Chances are the future is electric, but until then we still have many years of feeding our cars expensive fuel ahead…

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Media post: 2019 Audi A6 Review

Over the last decade or so, the three German rivals; Mercedes Benz, BMW, and Audi have gone toe to toe on everything from design, performance, and technology. However, it is now clear that Audi is treading ahead thanks to cutting edge technology that appeals more to the youths looking to…

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Media post: How a car lease works

Interested in leasing a car instead of buying one? Not sure what exactly leasing a vehicle entails? Well, don’t worry we are here to break down the basics of what it means to lease a car and how it works. Leasing a vehicle every few years is still an immensely…

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