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Media post: The benefits of genuine Toyota parts

Genuine Toyota parts. Picture courtesy

When it’s time to get your Toyota serviced or repaired, it is often tempting to consider putting in generic parts that are less expensive. Regardless of what inside the car, the logo still says Toyota, right? How much difference can a part here or there make to the performance of a car?

The answer is, quite a lot.

One of the reasons that generic parts might be less expensive is because they are engineered to a far lower quality. When you put it in perspective, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. That is, if your car is filled with generic, low quality parts then you’re ultimately going to have to pay more in the long run with additional repairs. These generic parts tend wear out far faster and you’ll be back in the repair shop getting the same problems worked on over and over again.

Here are four reasons why genuine parts are essential to every Toyota car.

  • Precision Engineering = Flawless Fit

Each genuine Toyota part is manufactured to flawlessly fit into Toyota cars and work seamlessly with the rest of the machine. That level of specificity is impossible for generic parts, because their goal is to make their parts fit as many cars as possible rather than fit one car perfectly.

“Close enough” is what they aim for when they design their products. Toyota on the other hand has the luxury of custom fitting their products exactly to their. Consider a car like a puzzle and each piece of the part in the car represents a puzzle piece. They each work together to form a single whole. If one puzzle piece is ruined, then it affects the entire picture.

  • Genuine Parts = Great Quality

Toyota is known worldwide for their durability and longevity. Their commitment to quality is one of the company’s defining characteristics. Toyota cars last forever because every aspect of the car is precision engineered to exacting standards.

This same drive and dedication to perfection is not present in generic parts. Their brand does not ride on the reputation of quality, but rather on their low price. It’s what marketing experts call product differentiation.

  • Service Advantage for Toyota Drivers

When you use Toyota genuine parts, you’re most likely going to be using a certified Toyota service shop. They specialise in working with Toyota parts and Toyota vehicles.

Also, keep in mind that warranty on a Toyota product travels with the car not the owner. So if you’ve purchased a pre-owned Toyota, there is a strong chance that the original warranty will still be applicable.

  • Warranty

Speaking of warranties, certified Toyota repair shops are fully authorized to perform servicing and repair. If you take your Toyota to an independent provider, it might void your warranty –they are not authorized to perform warranty repairs. At a Toyota dealer or Toyota repair center, they have special training and tools supplied by the car manufacturer itself. This ensures that your vehicle will handled with the highest levels of quality.

Contact Your Local Dealer – Phil Gilbert Toyota

If you need genuine Toyota parts or are looking for a new Toyota vehicle, contact Phil Gilbert Toyota. They are a full service repair shop with a great selection of new and used Toyotas. Contact Phil Gilbert Toyota today for more information.

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