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New Donation button on BestSellingCarsBlog

1982 me thanks you for all you have done to make Best Selling Cars Blog what it is today…

Circa 1982, 4 year-old me started a lifelong passion for cars by meticulously cleaning dirty tail-lights… In 2010 I created BestSellingCarsBlog and it has been an adventure that hasn’t stopped amazing me, with so many of you sending me a continuous flow of encouragement, praise and information. And I want to thank you for that.

In September last year, I left my full-time job to focus solely on this blog and give it its best shot. It has been a bumpy ride, but the site is still here, updated multiple times every day, and I have tried to always endeavour to add richer content, fuller analysis and more detailed data so the car world can be understood more clearly by anyone who reads this blog.

Donate buttonYou will notice there is a new widget on the top right corner of the site with a ‘Donate’ button (see illustration left). If you enjoy checking this site out , if you want it to survive and thrive and you think it deserves some support, please feel free to donate any amount by clicking on the ‘Donate’ button. There is no minimum amount, nor is there any maximum, it’s all up to you and will be hugely appreciated.

Matt Dacia Lodgy September 2012…And 2013 me also thanks you of course (from the back of a Dacia Lodgy)  🙂

Your donations will enable the site to keep growing and being more and more complete each day. Depending on how well the site goes, I am planning to go explore some regions where data is scarce in order to bring more transparency to the car sales world. If possible, my first port of call will be Mongolia and central Africa, as well as central Asia and the ‘-stan’ countries.

So once again thank you all very much for all your support, encouragement and praise over the last 3 years and thank you in advance to all of you who will donate, you are instrumental in keeping this site alive. I look forward to the next step in this thrilling adventure and I hope you will continue to visit and enjoy reading my articles as much as I enjoy writing them!

Matt Gasnier – Founder of BestSellingCarsBlog

This Post Has 2 Comments
  1. Hi Matt,

    Thank you, this is the best reference point for car sales. Like the comprehensive report and details explanation, best in the field 🙂

    Keep up the good work !


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