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Luxembourg 2001-2003: VW Golf in the lead

VW Golf * See the Top 10 best-selling models by clicking on the title! * Car sales in Luxembourg are dominated by the VW Golf over the period, selling 2,475 units in 2001, 2,159 in 2002 and 2,048 in 2003. The 2nd place changes hands each year: from the Peugeot…

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Germany 2003: VW Golf feels the heat

VW Golf *See the Top 100 best-selling models and each monthly Top 20 by clicking on the title! * New car sales are down 3% in Germany this year at 3,236,938 units. The VW Golf continues its downward spiral at a worrying -20% this year to 205,084 sales and 6.3%…

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