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Belgium January 2011: Golf #1, Megane/Fluence #3

Renault Fluence Car sales in Belgium are up 8% year-on-year in January at 53,236 registrations. No surprises on top, the VW Golf leads the way ahead of the VW Polo, exactly like in October 2010 (date of my last figures), however with weaker market shares at 3.3% and 2.8% respectively.…

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Sweden February 2011: 3 Volvos in Top 4

Volvo V50 At +17% in February, Swedish car sales continue their great run and this month Volvo manages to place 3 models (all station wagons) in the Top 4! The Volvo V70 reclaims its #1 spot (revised figures show it was also #1 in January and not the Golf as…

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Europe January 2011: VW Golf and Polo dominate

The European car market is stable in January, down only 1% at 1,070,231 registrations thanks to France and Germany holding well. The VW Golf is distant leader at 38,860 sales and 3.6%, and the VW Polo is back to #2 with 28,882 sals and 2.7%. Both are very close to…

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