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Media post: Determining Fault in a Car Accident

Car accidents can be traumatic and confusing. One of the most pressing questions after an accident is: "Who was at fault?" Determining fault is crucial for insurance claims and potential lawsuits and one should consult a Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer for help. This article delves into the process of…

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Norway September 2023: Fisker Ocean up to #11

The Fisker Ocean just misses out on a spectacular Top 10 finish in Norway. The Norwegian new car market is off a dramatic -29.4% year-on-year in September to 10,342 units, a mediocre result given September 2022 was already down -18.6% on the year prior. Year-to-date figures are down -7.1% to 95,497. BEV…

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Test Drive: The Peugeot 408 in Germany

Whereas we traditionally test drive best-selling vehicles, we'll make an exception this time with the Peugeot 408. Since its launch in July 2022, it has sold just 6,448 units in France, well below its competitor the Renault Arkana. (even though Peugeot calls the 408 a cross berline vs. a SUV…

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