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Media post: Why Won’t My Car Start?

Ever had a time that your car wouldn’t start? Yup, it’s not much fun – especially if its dark and/or raining outside. The maddening part is that you just want to know: is it time to call AAA or simply get a jump start? There’s a big difference between those…

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Media post: Fuel Economy Myths

EPA Fuel Economy sticker. Picture  Myth: A new air filter will make for a more efficient car If you have an older vehicle with a carbureted engine, then this is true. However, with today’s vehicles replacing the engine might only improve engine performance, not fuel economy. Myth: You should…

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Media post: What is Defensive Driving?

Picture courtesy What is Defensive Driving? When a driver seeks out potential problems before they happen, then he or she is driving defensively. After all, it is important to drive safely, and, in that process, you’ll save money, time and lives.  How do you drive defensively? That’s a great…

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Media post: Keeping Mickey out of your car

Pinyon Mouse – Courtesy of the National Park Service and Sally King. Sourced from Wikicommons Media.  Every year, mice and other critters crawl into vehicles and cause millions of dollars in damage. It may have never happened to you but ask any mechanic about “mouse damage” and they will likely…

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Media post: A Discussion About Airbags

Car safety enthusiasts usually caution that airbags are to be used at the same time as seat belts. Seat belts are still needed because airbags used to work only in front-end collisions occurring at more than ten miles per hour. Only seat belts could assist in side accidents and swipes (although side-mounted airbags are common these days), rear-end collisions…

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Media post: Vehicle Glovebox History

Automotive makers have put gloveboxes in cars for a number of decades. Some gloveboxes that are an opening in the dash just above the feet of the front passenger, but the large majority have doors, that with a simple twist or push of a pushbutton latch, will open or close. …

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