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France 1956: Simca Aronde takes the lead

The Simca Aronde is the best-selling vehicle in France in 1956. The French new car market is up by the double-digit for the third straight year in 1956 at +13.6% to a new all-time record 629.164 deliveries including commercial vehicles. Imports on the other hand edge up just 3.4% to…

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France 1950: Renault 4CV and Peugeot 203 on top

Renault 4CV In 1950, the French market is rebooted: rationing tickets are a thing of the past, the sale of petrol is not controlled anymore, people can move wherever they want inside the country and raw materials are more widely available. New passenger car and light commercial vehicle registrations leap…

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France 1949: 4CV ramps up, lifts Renault to 37% share

Renault 4CV Registrations of passenger cars and light commercials in France in 1949 more than double vs. 1948 (+127%) to 114.060 units, the first year above 100.000 since 1939. Imports are down a further -19.3% to just 1.642 units including 1.343 private cars. They come from the USA (1.067 incl.…

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France 1939: Peugeot teases Citroen with the 202

Peugeot 202 New data was made available by L'Argus covering the Model Year 1939, meaning the October 1938 - September 1939 period or just before the start of World War II. 169.726 new passenger cars and light commercials were registered over the period, with Citroen the best-selling brand with almost…

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