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Gulf August 2014: Nissan Patrol consistently shines

 The Nissan Patrol is the best-selling non-Toyota in all 4 nations covered in this report. * See the Top 50-200 best-selling models by clicking on the title! Thanks Ldman * Now that Gulf Cooperation Council data is available for August, I will share with you the highlights in each country…

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Bahrain June 2014: Toyota Prado beats Land Cruiser

Toyota Prado * See the Top 100 best-selling models by clicking on the title! Thanks Ldman * After a couple of months hiatus, Middle-Eastern data is back on BSCB and we start with Bahrain, up 8% year-on-year in June to 5,038 registrations and 22% year-to-date to 31,608 units. Like in…

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Bahrain: 2005-2023 Historical Data available

Bahrain International Circuit. Picture by Nasser Bouhadoud, all rights reserved. January 2005 - December 2023 All-Make and All-Models monthly/annual data available. Contact us here for more details. Bahrain 2011: Land Cruiser leads, Hyundai Accent shines Bahrain 2012: Toyota Land Cruiser resists Prado assault Bahrain 2013: Toyota Prado dislodges Land Cruiser Bahrain 2014:…

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Bahrain January 2014: Toyota Land Cruiser triumphs

Toyota Land Cruiser * See the Top 100 best-selling models by clicking on the title! Thanks Ldman * After gaining 43% year-on-year last January, new car sales in Bahrain continue on their explosive growth: up another 24% to start the year 2014 at 5,394 registrations. Dislodged from the pole position…

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Bahrain November 2012: Toyota Prado at record heights

Toyota Prado * See the Top 70 best-selling models by clicking on the title! * New car sales in Bahrain are up 29% year-on-year in November to 3,717 registrations, bringing the year-to-date total to 42,159 units, up 47% on 2011. October highlights included the 5th place of the Nissan Altima,…

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