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Media post: The 3 Best Ways to Become a Better Driver

Driving is an important skill that affects your daily life. We sometimes take it for granted that we need our cars for just about everything. As a result, we also tend to forget that we are driving a dangerous machine. Over time, some people become worse drivers, especially if they start driving recklessly or drink and drive.

This can lead to accidents and needing a Birmingham DUI Lawyer. But you can change. With some effort and the right advice, you can go from being a dangerous driver to a good one. In this article, we will go over some tips to help you become a good driver again.

1 – Use defensive driving techniques


Defensive driving is about staying alert and being ready for anything on the road. When you use these techniques you can actively avoid an accident even if it wasn’t going to be your fault.

The first rule is to always pay attention to what’s happening around you. Check your mirrors often and watch the road ahead and to the sides to be aware of other cars, pedestrians, and road conditions so you can react quickly to avoid accidents.

Keep a safe distance from the car in front of you. This gives you enough time to stop if needed. A good rule is to keep at least a three-second gap between you and the car ahead. In bad weather or heavy traffic, increase this distance to give yourself more time to react.

2 – Eliminate distractions


Distracted driving is all too common and is just as dangerous as driving while impaired. Using mobile phones and other distractions while driving can be very dangerous. Taking your eyes off the road, even for a few seconds, increases the risk of accidents. Texting, talking on the phone, or adjusting the radio can divert your attention and lead to serious consequences.

To stay focused on driving, keep your phone out of reach or use a hands-free system if you need to take a call. Set up your GPS and adjust any controls before you start driving. If you need to send a message or check something on your phone, pull over safely before doing so. Keeping both hands on the wheel and your mind on the road will help you stay safe and avoid accidents caused by distractions.

3 – Take driving lessons


It may seem like a strange idea to take driving lessons again after you’ve already gotten your license. However, they may be needed to get rid of some bad driving habits.These courses can make you a safer and more confident driver. They can also help you save money on car insurance since many companies offer discounts for completing these courses.

In a defensive driving course, you learn how to deal with different road hazards. These courses teach you about safe following distances, using mirrors correctly, and driving in bad weather. You also learn about the dangers of driving under the influence and how to avoid distractions.

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