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Media post: A Complete Guide to Handling Car Accident Claims

No one wants to be in a car accident. Such unfortunate events can not only damage the vehicle but can lead to lifelong health complications for the people involved. That’s why everyone should follow traffic laws to the best of their ability. However, accidents can still happen due to unforeseen circumstances. That’s why knowing how to act in the aftermath of a car accident can play a vital role in ensuring the road to recovery is as seamless as possible. 

This particular guide will help you go over how to properly handle car accident claims when dealing with insurance companies and other legal complications to ensure you get the fair compensation you deserve for vehicle repairs as well as for the emotional and physical trauma you (and your family) have been put through.

How to Handle Car Accident Claims

While hiring a car accident lawyer is recommended to help in the long run, there is still a lot you can do in the aftermath of the accident. The various factors include ensuring everyone’s safety, information exchange, proper documentation and reporting, and more.

Let’s talk about it.

Focus on Safety

The important thing for you to do after an accident is to try and remain calm. Yes, it happened. You can’t change it anymore. But what you can still control is how you go about dealing with the accident. Instead of getting angry and frustrated, prioritize safety. Assess everyone for any possible injuries. You should also call for medical assistance. The risk of bone fracture is high during accidents.

Depending on the severity of the accident, it’s a good idea to move the involved vehicles away from the road.

Information Exchange

Getting the other person’s information is crucial. You should exchange information with the other driver, including insurance information. Said information should include the person’s name, phone number, address, insurance policy, and license plate number. Also, try to get the contact information of any witnesses.

Try and remain calm during the information exchange. Avoid accepting full responsibility for the accident. Whatever you say might be used against you during the legal proceedings. Also, as soon as you can (and depending on the accident), file a report with the police.

Proper Documentation

Many people face difficulties because they are unable to properly document the accident. Information exchange falls under documentation as well. The other information you can gather includes taking pictures or videos of the vehicles, the surrounding area, any injuries, and more. Legal proceedings like to see evidence. 

With you having called for medical attention, keep a record of the medical examination and expenses. Medical records play a role in seeking fair compensation.

Call Your Insurance Company

The insurance company should be notified about the accident as soon as possible. Be cooperative during the communication process and answer their questions professionally.

Hiring Legal Representation

Opt for a reliable car accident lawyer to help you with the legalities involved in handling vehicle accident claims. An attorney will advocate for your benefit during insurance claims and, depending on the situation, protect you from the other driver’s lawsuit.

Such lawyers are beneficial for understanding your legal rights and what route you should follow to gain fair compensation. They know about legalities related to accidents involving leased cars and how traffic laws work depending on the State the accident took place.

On a case-by-case basis, a lawyer’s compensation can range from approximately 30% to 45% of the received compensation across the States. There’s also a varying statute of limitations for filing a car accident lawsuit (Tennessee only has a year deadline). 

Furthermore, Tennessee is also deemed a comparatively unsafe State for cyclists, and that could mean more legal complexities for vehicle drivers. In such an event, hiring a reliable Springfield car accident lawyer can help better prepare you for what to expect.

Another advantage of seeking legal representation is that your attorney gets to address legal concerns while you get to focus on your recovery. Having a professional in your corner also helps with remaining calm because legal proceedings can take a while.


No matter how good you are at following traffic laws, a car accident can still occur because of someone else’s mistake or due to some unforeseen circumstances while driving. Composing yourself in the aftermath of a vehicle accident is crucial to ensure the safety of the parties involved as well as for legal matters.

You should try to be patient when exchanging information with the other driver, call for medical attention, contact your insurance company, and seek legal representation. Proper documentation during all of the steps aids in making the process easier. The professional help offered by your lawyer can ease your mind so you get to focus on your recovery.

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