BSCB is headed to Beijing!
For the first time in 5 years, BSCB will be able to visit the biggest Auto Show in the world: Auto China! This year it is held in Beijing, and I will report on it in detail when the press days are over. Internet connection is unpredictable in China and some websites may be blocked so expect a few days with no updates this week as I’ll be focused on the Auto Show. I’ll be back shortly with more info.
You could move to China, stay out of politics and everything is fine, and they don’t care about your private life!
Let’s focus on the fantastic world of cars.
In those countries, China, Russia, UAE, Singapore, Oman, Central Asia, Qatar, etc., if you stay out of politics everything is normal and and except Russia they are much safer than the USA.
Fortunately, you didn’t experience communism. You have no rights even if you are out of politics. It’s a crazy and decadent idea. Election is what it’s all about. Dont give up this. You are dreaming about corruption and patronage, no abilities help you.
I’d rather pay taxes and be able to make a positive impact.
Pavel, it’s not that bad as long as you respect their culture and rules
Many congratulations Matt, the Chinese market is absolutely wonderful and incredible, it seems unreal, out of this world. All the best.