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Media post: The 3 Tips To Make Sure That Your Used Car Lasts Longer

A used car can be a very savvy investment. It will get you around and not cost a fortune. If you are buying a car to be able to get to work then it makes sense that it shouldn’t cost a paycheck to be able to afford it.

This is a great time to buy used cars as they typically last much longer than they ever used to. When you take care of a used car you can potentially get 300,000 miles out of it. It all depends on taking the right steps. In this article, we will go over what some of those steps are so you can make your used car last longer.

1 – Get a warranty

Many people assume that a warranty is only for a new car, or a used one that is still new enough to have the original warranty still active. The fact is that you can buy an extended warranty for cars over 100k miles. This will help you be able to afford to keep the car running in case there are any unexpected repairs.

There are a number of things that will have to be paid for as far as routine repairs, but there are some that shouldn’t happen until the car is very old. Having the warranty will keep you from having a uge out of pocket expense so you can take care of the car properly.

2 – Do routine maintenance on time

It is tempting to not do routine repairs on time to be able to keep your costs low. That only kicks the can down the road and makes it more likely that your car is going to have a shorter lifespan.

Instead, make sure to do the maintenance on time and correctly. For instance, changing the brakes before the rotor damages the discs is going to make sure that you append less money on brakes. Getting the oil changed on time will prevent engine parts from getting worn down prematurely. And a timing belt that isn’t changed on time will ruin a car’s engine when it snaps.

Take care of your used car and it will take care of you, in other words. To have your car last longer than you would expect it takes a dedicated routine and getting things done on time.

3 – Drive prudently

How you drive a car has a direct correlation to how long it lasts. If you take corners too fast then you risk ruining the shocks which will cost money to fix. Not only that but the stress on the tires combined with poor shocks means you’ll be changing them more often.

Make sure to drive the speed limit and not stress the car’s engine too much, as well. Avoiding starting and stopping quickly also keeps your brakes from getting ruined quickly. Make sure to take weather into consideration and avoid getting into an accident, as well.

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