BSCB needs your help!
Dear BSCB readers, as we commit to expand our new car sales coverage we need your help in sourcing sales data for some markets. Depending on the quality and reliability of the data you are able to provide, you may be eligible for a free annual Premium or Platinum Membership for however long you are able to share the data with us. Note the data needs to be official new car sales and can’t be estimated.
If you think you have what we need, please contact us here and send us an example of the data you have access to. We’ll be in touch if relevant. Many thanks in advance!
Here are the markets we need your help on:
- Turkey monthly all-models data before the end of the following month
- Belgium monthly all-models data before the end of the following month
- UK monthly or quarterly all-models data
- Russia quarterly all-models data
- Egypt monthly or quarterly brands and models data (Top 10 at least)
- Malaysia monthly or quarterly all-models data
- Philippines monthly brands data, quarterly models data (Top 10 at least)
- Slovakia monthly all-models data before the end of the following month
- Kazakhstan monthly all-models data before the end of the following month
- Belarus monthly or quarterly brands and models data (Top 10 at least)
- Iceland monthly or quarterly brands and models data (Top 10 at least)
- Georgia monthly or quarterly brands and models data (Top 10 at least)
- Monthly or quarterly brands and/or models data (Top 10 at least) for Algeria, Ecuador, Kenya, Kosovo, Montenegro, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Senegal.
- Annual brands and/or models data or more frequent for Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Andorra, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Cameroon, Congo (Rep of the), Costa Rica, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Greenland, Guatemala, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Libya, Mali, Malta, Mongolia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, North Korea, Palestine, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Frankly it’s hard to understand why monthly sales of all models in highly automated nations as Belgium (Febiac?), Russia (Aebrus?), Turkey (ODD) and the UK (SMMT?) is so hard to obtain. Hope you will find the missing data sources,