10 countries in 10 days in a Dacia Logan – 9/10: Greece
Our Dacia Logan in Greece.
This is Part 9 of our epic trip in Eastern Europe with the Dacia Logan. You can also read Part 1: Romania, Part 2: Serbia, Part 3: Bosnia & Herzegovina, Part 4: Montenegro, Part 5: Albania, Part 6: North Macedonia, Part 7: Kosovo and Part 8: Bulgaria. Having chosen to skip Croatia on the way from Bosnia & Herzegovina to Montenegro, we had to add one country to our hunting board ensure the total is 10. This is where I get to apologise to all our Greek readers: we took advantage of a quirk in the border lines that put us so tantalisingly close to Greece in order to notch a 9th country but due to lack of time we were only able to stay in the country for an hour.
Flag of Greece
Our itinerary in Greece.
The focus of our Greek visit would be Kastanies, is a tiny border village of just over 1.000 inhabitants surrounded by farmland and located 4 km west of the Turkish village of Karaağaç. Kastanies became part of Greece in the 1920s, and we drive around at mid-day in the summer heat torpor that almost made it look abandoned. It is really fun to find road sign in Greek script after having experienced Cyrillic in the Balkans. But that’s about all we have time to do in Greece, I promise I will try and return soon for a much more detailed test drive.
Our Dacia Logan discovering Greek script in Kastanies.
The very last country in our adventure is Turkey, and I will also take this opportunity to go through the traditional quick review of our car the Dacia Logan. Stay tuned for the final part of this series coming very shortly!