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A look into the car buyer of the future: introducing Jack MacKenzie

Matt Jack

If you are a regular BSCB reader, you may recall my visit to the Randwick Primary School in Sydney, Australia back in July. One pupil in the class I spoke with proved to be as passionate about cars as I am, if not more: Jack MacKenzie, 10. Jack’s love of cars reminds me of myself at that age, except unlike me, he already has created a YouTube Series called Have you speed your pants loaded with car reviews (check it out here)! Jack’s knowledge of cars is so astounding for his young age and his interest in the blogging world so intense that we came to this realisation: what if we let Jack express his views here on BestSellingCarsBlog so we can all understand what’s in the mind of the car buyer of the future?

1989 Mazda MX-5The 1989 Mazda MX-5, Jack’s first car if he could drive today.

Granted, Jack is one of many future car buyers in the world, but his passion and fluency give us a unique opportunity to easily delve into the mind of a 10 year-old car fanatic, which is not something I’ve seen too often online yet. So Jack will soon start to intervene on focused subjects in line with BestSellingCarsBlog’s sales data niche. Before I give Jack his first mission I thought I’d introduce him properly to you all. Jack’s passion for cars started when watching car chases in James Bond movies (sounds familiar? to me too), and already stems from the feeling of being inside a car: the touch, design, materials used… If he was able to, he’d drive a first generation Mazda MX-5 as his first car today. Very discerning tastes already…

Being 10, Jack was virtually born with an iPad in his hands, so he is used to having everything at his fingertip in real time, for example all the info about the car he would be reviewing on a certain day. This is typically the type of attitude I want Jack to spend some time explaining to us dinosaurs when he starts writing for BSCB. A new attitude towards car buying means different cars will be snapped up by the next generation and for us car sales analysts, being familiar with these changes early on is invaluable.

Toyota 86The 86 changed Jack’s perception of Toyota.

When I last spoke with Jack we had time to briefly touch on his perception of some of Australia’s best-selling carmakers. Years of price-driven advertising have already taken their toll on Jack’s perception of the only truly Australian brand, Holden, which he thinks is cheap. Toyota was seen as “way too common”, until the 86 (aka Scion FR-S) was released. “That really changed my views about the brand. I would happily buy an 86 today if I could” he said. Interestingly, Mazda, doing extremely well sales-wise in Australia, is seen as a lot of spin. “They have stylish cars but they portray themselves as sporty where in fact they are just like any other brand in that regard” (except for the MX-5 of course). Harsh… Hyundai gets a better wrap: “I didn’t care too much about Hyundai until I saw the new i30. It is a much nicer car than its predecessor and it made me start to notice Hyundai a little more”.

Based on his quotes above, you will have noticed Jack’s elocution is already better than most of us, but this is only the beginning! So please join me in sending Jack a warm welcome into the world of BestSellingCarsBlog.

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