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Sponsored feature: Vehicle safety: The latest developments

Volvo V40 Pedestrian airbag. Picture courtesy of V40 pedestrian airbag

Whether you’re travelling on two wheels or four, staying safe on the road should always be a priority. To supplement the basic procedures which drivers should follow when on the roads, improvements in vehicle safety have also been made – but what are some of the most recent? 

Pedestrian airbags

A concept that may bring a smile to your face to begin with, pedestrian airbags aren’t quite as foolish as you may think. Pioneered in the Volvo V40 model, this airbag is released on the exterior of the car when an impact is deemed unavoidable. This occurs automatically with sensors on the vehicle monitoring threats and hazards from crossing pedestrians during the journey. Control of the car will be automatically taken in the event of a low speed impact, applying the brakes to reduce the risk of a collision. The airbag is deployed when this action is not enough to stop the impact altogether; aiming to literally cushion the blow.

Nissan Note Safety ShieldNissan Note Safety Shield

Enhanced vision

Showcasing in one of Nissan’s latest offerings, enhanced vision is the main concept behind their Safety Shield technology. Designed to boost safety on our roads, this system is made up of three separate advanced safety programmes: blind spot warning system, lane departure warning system and moving object detection system. According to the manufacturer, the implementation of this tech is hoped to reduce road casualties by more than 3,000 over coming years – something which will certainly be an advantage to all drivers.

RealRider app. Picture courtesy of

Safety apps

Of course, it’s not just vehicles themselves which can benefit from tech based improvements and the world of apps is proving its ability to cater to every need once more with its selection of road safety apps. One of the latest apps, RealRider, is aimed purely at motorcyclists and is designed to monitor their progress on journeys and establish when and where they are should they be involved in a crash or accident. Using the GPS services of the smartphone it is installed on as well as motion and tilt detection software, the app has already been welcomed by the North East Ambulance Service as an effective way of dealing with accidents and had gained some 3,500 registered users before its official launch.

Staying safe

Alongside the above improvements, staying safe on British roads requires a combination of driver and manufacturer dedication. Following the rules of the road and reacting to changing situations is a prerequisite for everyone who puts foot or wheel on the road and it is important that you know how to do this. Advanced training can help but you also need to be comfortable and familiar with your own vehicle; getting used to the controls and learning about the different security systems you have at your disposal. Additionally, you need to know what to do in the worst case scenario when you’re involved in a car accident or sustain a motorcycle injury.

In these instances, medical attention is the first thing you should seek. After this, investigations should be launched into the cause of the accident and any viable claims lodged to recompense you for the damages both you and your vehicle have sustained.

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