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Hungary 5 months 2010: Ford Focus #1

* See the Top 10 best-selling models by clicking on the title! * The Hungarian car market is in dire straits: with only 17,391 registrations over the first 5 months 2010, it drops by 49% vs. 2009, which was already at -50% vs. 2008! Suzuki models, built in the country,…

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Japan October 2010: new Swift up to #11

Catastrophic month for car sales in Japan: it is the weakest October since 1968 with 193,258 registrations (excluding Kei cars), -27% on 2009, mostly because the government subsidy for fuel- efficient cars ended on Sept. 8. The Toyota Prius is still safely on top with 21,769 sales, ahead of the…

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India September 2010

The Indian car market is growing strongly in 2010 but interestingly it is not getting more fragmented along the way. The best selling car, the Maruti Alto, is logically increasing its sales month after month (it reached 30,147 units in September - as many as the US sales of Toyota…

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Japan Kei cars 2006-2009: Suzuki Wagon R on top

Suzuki Wagon R The Suzuki Wagon R has been the best selling Kei car in Japan since 2003 and managed to stay above 200,000 sales over the period: 221,066 in 2006, 226,725 in 2007, 205,354 in 2008 and 201,528 in 2009. The Daihatsu Move is #2 the whole time, constantly over 180,000…

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Pakistan 1995-2009: Suzuki Mehran & Toyota Corolla share lead

Suzuki Mehran The Pakistan Automobile Manufacturers Association compiles car production figures since 1995 and sales of models produced locally since 1998. Given the restrictions on imports, these figures give a pretty accurate picture of the best selling models in the country. The Pakistani car market structure has been very stable…

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Algeria 2009: Symbol, Alto and Logan dominate

Renault Symbol In 2009, three passenger cars clocked in more than 10,000 sales in Algeria: the Renault Symbol at 16,258, the Suzuki Alto at 11,096 and the Dacia Logan at 10,598. The Chevrolet Aveo Sedan, leader of the market a couple of years ago, is now #4 at 8,743, ahead…

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