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Historical Data available for 104 markets

The Wartburg 353 was among the best-sellers in East Germany in the sixties. Best Selling Cars Blog now covers detailed Historical Data for 104 markets. Highlights include France since 1894, Germany for each year since 1946, UK for each year since 1965, Australia since 1946, Sweden since 1950, Brazil since 1954 and Norway and Italy since 1956. The next batch…

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Botswana 2007: Hilux and Corolla in the lead

Toyota Hilux in Kasane, Botswana June 2007 * Click on title for more street scenes and Total market data for 1985-1999 * Toyota 'owns' the Batswana market with 1,958 sales and 40% market share in 2007, ahead of Nissan at 8% and VW at 5%. Observation in the country in 2007…

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