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Tajikistan: Changhe Freedom and Toyota Camry most popular

Changhe Freedom in Dushanbe, Tajikistan * See street videos of Dushanbe, Tajikistan by clicking on the title! * Tajikistan is at a crossroads of various civilisations and its car market reflects this, with Chinese, Russian, Iranian, Kazak and Uzbek influences. Up to mid-2010, almost half of the cars in circulation…

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World 2011: Updated Top 100 now available!

Sales of ChangAn Taurus may be counted as ChangAn Mini Bus, #44 in the world in 2011 * See the updated 2011 World Top 105 best-selling models here * Just a quick update to let you know that I have amended the Worldwide Top 100 models ranking I published yesterday with a couple…

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