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Media post: The Danger of Cloudy Headlights

Driving with clouded lenses is like driving with foggy eye glasses. Almost every motor vehicle on the road in North America has headlights that are made out of a hard polymer, or plastic material. This is done because it cuts down on weight, and its cost effective for manufacturing reasons. But…

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Media post: The Argument: AWD or 4WD

What is the difference, and how much of a difference is it really? When car buyers are looking to buy a new or used vehicle, in areas that tend to have less than pleasant wintery weather conditions, they often consider a vehicle that will have either; all-wheel-drive or four-wheel-drive, states…

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Israel July 2016: Hyundai and Kia in control

Hyundai is the most popular carmaker in Israel so far in 2016. Picture * See the Top 45 All-brands ranking by clicking on the title * Thanks to our partnership with we can now share with you brands data for Israel in July – models data is now a quarterly occurrence. A…

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