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Greece (Athens) 1964: UK brands grab 40% of market!

Vauxhall Viva. Vauxhall is the #9 manufacturer in Athens in 1964. * See the Top 10 best-selling brands by clicking on the title! Many thanks to Bill * You need to be a BestSellingCarsBlog Member to access detailed Historical data tables. Register here! Thanks to Bill I can share with you the…

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Brazil 1954-1961: VW Fusca leads the way

Thanks to Brazilian car sales expert Marcelo de Vasconcellos from The Truth About Cars and Quatro Rodas, I can share with you Historical Info about Brazil's best selling models. The VW Beetle, called "Fusca" locally, started being assembled in Brazil in 1953 with parts imported from Germany, but by 1959 the cars…

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