Explore: Dubai Photo Snapshot

Almost brand-new Toyota Camry taxi at Dubai Airport. I had the opportunity to take an extra-quick drive in Dubai during a layover at the Airport, here are a few snapshots. As it as 3am when I "visited", there wasn't much traffic in town, and the few observations I made of…

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China Test Drives 2019: Geely Binyue

Geely Binyue in Kunming, Yunnan. One year ago I tested the Geely Boyue and was thoroughly impressed by its almost rally car-like handling thanks to particularly brazen sales people. I did not expect that from the "soccer mum SUV" the Boyue is. Since, Geely has released the smaller Binyue to…

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China Test Drives 2019: VW Lavida

VW Lavida in Lijiang, Yunnan. After test driving the Wuling Hongguang, #1 in China from 2013 to 2017, the logical next step is to get a feel of 2018's overall leader the VW Lavida. I was able to do exactly that in Lijiang in the Yunnan province earlier this year. Originally launched…

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China Test Drives 2019: Wuling Hongguang

Wuling Hongguang in Dali, Yunnan. It's time for me to test drive the car that is responsible for bringing mass mobility to an entire nation: the Wuling Hongguang. Originally launched in 2010, no less than 4 million of them have been sold in China since, dominating the country's sales charts…

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Quick test drive: VW Tiguan

We conclude our series of quick test drives of the best-selling SUVs in the world in preparation for our upcoming review of the new generation Toyota RAV4. These are in no way exhaustive but just to get a feel of the competition. After the unconvincing Nissan X-Trail and the impressive Honda…

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Quick test drive: Honda CR-V

Honda CR-V in Sydney, Australia This is a quick Sydney, Australia test drive series of the best-selling SUVs in the world in preparation for a much more substantial review of the new generation Toyota RAV4. After the unconvincing Nissan X-Trail, we move onto the Honda CR-V launched in August 2017,…

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