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Media post: Cuba’s Classics

The roads in Cuba are just packed with classic cars. Most of them are American cars from 1950s and 60s Why is this? It’s simple, since Cuba has effectively been isolated from the west for over 50 years, certain features of its society are effectively locked in time. When it…

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Media post: Electric Turbocharging

There was a time when a turbocharged vehicle was considered exotic. Turbochargers, which can increase a car’s horsepower up to 60%, were installed only sports cars and race cars. Today, turbochargers are still used on performance cars but they have become popular in standard passenger cars too. The reasoning in…

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Media post: Belly Tank Racers

You have probably seen the black and white pictures of the old hotrods with aluminum, torpedo-shaped bodies. These vehicles were built to break speed records in the 1940s-50s. The reason they are called Belly Tank Racers is because the body of these hotrods came from the aluminum drop tanks of…

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Media post: HEMI History

“Hey, does that thing have a Hemi?” Do you may remember this line? It’s from a notable Dodge TV commercial of a decade ago. If you haven’t seen the original commercial, head on over to YouTube and take a look -it’s pretty funny. The original commercial, along with several follow-up…

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Media post: How Hood Scoops Work

Hood scoops are those bumps you see on performance cars that let air feed into the engine compartment. They are frequently on the hoods of cars, especially on the muscle cars of the 1960 but you may see them on other locations too. Have you ever wondered if these things…

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Media post: How Fuel Injection Systems Work

In the old days, car engines used devices called carburetors to vaporize engine fuel. Carburetors did a great job and were simple to troubleshoot and repair. Carburetors were the only game in town until the 1950s when automotive engineers started experimenting with other methods to deliver fuel to combustion cylinders.…

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Media post: He Changed the Car Business

Ralph Nader A book was released in 1965 that changed the automobile industry forever. Written by Ralph Nader, a little known lawyer from Hartford, CT, Unsafe at Any Speed: The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile was the title. The subject material was a critical look at the auto industry…

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Media post: The Danger of Cloudy Headlights

Driving with clouded lenses is like driving with foggy eye glasses. Almost every motor vehicle on the road in North America has headlights that are made out of a hard polymer, or plastic material. This is done because it cuts down on weight, and its cost effective for manufacturing reasons. But…

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Media post: The Argument: AWD or 4WD

What is the difference, and how much of a difference is it really? When car buyers are looking to buy a new or used vehicle, in areas that tend to have less than pleasant wintery weather conditions, they often consider a vehicle that will have either; all-wheel-drive or four-wheel-drive, states…

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