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Media post: When to Hire a Car Crash Lawyer in Houston

There are more than 180 car crashes in Houston every single day. These accidents happen because of several reasons, including drunk or distracted driving, bad weather, and vehicle defects. 

The number of inexperienced drivers on the road also contributes to car accidents in the city, as do well-experienced drivers who may overestimate their driving abilities. 

If you are involved in a car accident, one of the first things to do is contact car crash lawyers in Houston. Dealing with the aftermath of an accident, including injuries and emotional distress, can quickly take its toll. 

If you still have to file a claim independently, everything can and will overwhelm you. Hiring a lawyer will take the legal process off your hands while you recuperate physically and emotionally. 

When Do You Need a Lawyer

You will likely not need to involve a lawyer for a minor accident with no injuries. But, there are several situations where a lawyer should be your first port of call.

For instance, if you sustain serious injuries in a Houston car accident, your medical costs will inevitably skyrocket. To cover these costs (and extras like loss of income), you need to file a personal injury claim. Your lawyer can investigate the accident and put together the evidence you need for your claim. 

If you have already filed a claim and the other party’s insurance company denies it, you will need a lawyer to resolve the issue. The insurance provider may even argue that you were partly to blame for the accident. In this case, your lawyer can help prove that the other party was 100% at fault. They can also renegotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. 

If many vehicles or parties were involved in the accident (like pedestrians and bystanders), it would be difficult to determine fault. Your lawyer can help you by using the evidence gathered to prove your innocence if you were not at all to blame. 

Even if you are not to blame for the accident, the at-fault party’s insurance provider will try to keep your payout as low as possible. You need a lawyer to assess the true value of your claim in this case. They will calculate the costs of your medical bills and lost wages and consider the cost of future medical treatment. 

Doing this will allow your lawyer to negotiate a fair settlement that will help cover your expenses. 

Moreover, if you lose a loved one in a car accident that was not your fault, your lawyer will fight for the compensation you and your family deserve. This compensation will help cover loss of income if you were dependent on your loved one. It will also help pay for funeral expenses.  

Lastly, if an accident caused by another person leaves you disabled and unable to return to work, your lawyer will also negotiate for fair compensation and ensure that you receive long-term financial support. 

More Reasons to Contact a Car Crash Lawyer

Texas law and insurance policies can be confusing. Fortunately, when you hire a lawyer, they will explain your obligations and rights. This will also help prevent you from risking your claim settlement when you talk to the insurance company. 

A lawyer will also be the middleman between you and the insurance provider. Insurance companies are known for trying to pressure people into accepting a quick settlement. The lawyer will not fall for these tactics and will advise you on when and how to accept a settlement. 

If your lawyer feels that a settlement is not fair or the insurance company cannot agree to a settlement, your case will likely go to court. Here, your lawyer can further represent you with facts and evidence to ensure you get fair compensation

Finding the Right Houston Car Crash Lawyer

A car crash attorney will help protect your rights. They will give you peace of mind while you recover after an accident. But it is important to choose the right lawyer. 

Look for a lawyer who has a good record of success handling Houston car crash claims. Ideally, you want to hire a lawyer who specializes in these cases. They will have the necessary personal injury and Texas law knowledge to benefit your case.

You also want to hire a lawyer who will communicate with you throughout the process and be willing to answer your questions. 

You Do Not Have To Struggle To Get Compensation

There is no need to struggle on your own after a car accident. Do not hesitate to find and hire a car crash lawyer to help you with your personal injury case. Even just sitting down for an initial consultation will help you understand your options and determine what your claim is worth.

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