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Uruguay September 2023: Chevrolet (+96.6%) up to highest share in 5.5 years

Chevrolet sales almost double year-on-year in September.

New light vehicle sales in Uruguay advance 7.5% year-on-year in September to 5,042 units, leading to a year-to-date cume up 7.6% to 41,026. Chevrolet (+96.6%) almost doubles its sales year-on-year to reach 21.9% share, its highest since the 22.4% it hit back in February 2017. Suzuki (-20%) is hit hard but climbs 7 spots on August to #2, distancing Renault (-13.5%) also struggling. Fiat (+15.7%) is solid at #4 while Hyundai (-16.6%) rounds out the Top 5 in paltry fashion. Peugeot (+136.3%), Nissan (+73.4%) and Citroen (+64.3%) score fantastic gains in the remainder of the Top 10 just as Volkswagen (-38.6%), Hyundai (-16.6%) and Toyota (-8.8%) skid. Chinese brands as a whole sink -27.8% to 426 and 8.4% share vs. 12.6%  a year ago.

Previous month: Uruguay August 2023: Chevrolet (+67.8%), Fiat (+150%) top market up 21.7%

One year ago: Uruguay September 2022: Volkswagen reclaims lead, sales up 9%

Full September 2023 Top 52 All brands ranking below.

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