Welcome to our new Navigation Menu
It’s from Sydney Australia where BSCB is based 8 months a year that I wish you all as well as your loved ones a Happy New Year 2019! May it be filled with everything you’ve ever hoped, and more!
BestSellingCarsBlog has now started its 9th year of activity, and in 2018 we have endeavoured to give you ever more expansive Historical Data with notably India and Russia being updated, and a lot more to come in 2019 including Canada, China, France, Germany, Indonesia, Mexico, Spain, Thailand and Turkey. We have also added two monthly updates for the largest market in the world, China: Retail sales and New Energy sales.
Our first improvement for 2019 is a new Navigation Menu, making it easier to access the width of content on the site, as almost 10,000 articles have been published since Day 1 which was 30 October 2010. I’ll take you through some of the features below, feel free to comment if you think this improves your experience on the site, if you are having issues understanding the new logic, if you can’t find something or if you noticed errors in the classification!
Selecting a country will show its Historical Index if applicable, followed by the most recent articles.
You can select a year and a period for each country
The first tab on the left is for Sales Data. Clicking on it will remove the featured articles and uncover a Filter bar where you can type in the market you are after, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe but also regions like Europe or World. You can also bypass the market selection and go straight to a specific year to see what we have published for that year: you can have fun with that one as we have data all the way up to 1894! You can reset your search on any Filter bar at any time by clicking on the Reset orange tab on the right or go back to the home page by clicking on our logo at the top left of the page.
If you select a market first, the Historical Index – which is the one article that lists all Historical articles – will come up first if there is one for that market, followed by the most recent articles for this country (see Brazil as an example above, first image). You can then select a year, which will make a third selector appear, Periods, where you can choose the month or period of that year if available (second image above). In the case of China, you also have the option of “Segments” which is all the different types of articles we publish monthly for that market. More on this further down this update. Note only the years and periods that have corresponding data (therefore at least one article) will appear in your search. If the year/period you are after doesn’t appear, that means we don’t have data for that year or period. If you do have data for that year or period, get in touch by clicking on the envelope logo at the top right of the site and we’ll publish it as soon as possible.
The 2nd tab is Explore, where we have pulled a whole series of articles that were previously disseminated all across the site with no easy access. You can access each of these sections by selecting one of the three sub-tabs that appear upon hovering your mouse on Explore or click on Explore directly which will bring up the Explore Filter.
The first section is Auto Shows, which you can search by location and year (you can start with either), then Test Drives which are searchable by Brand/Model and Travels, searchable by location and year also (whichever first). Note we are in the process of completing the Travel section so it may not show absolutely all we have done since 2010 just yet.
Clicking on the China tab will bring up a filter for Chinese content in both the Explore and Sales Data sections.
Selecting Test Drives within the China filter will show you all cars we test drove in China.
The 3rd tab is a zoom on the China, pulling all the Chinese content we have created across both Sales Data and Explore. You can also access this content via the first two tabs, but if your search is specific to China, this is where you want to go. Clicking on the China tab will bring up a new Filter where you have the option on the left to choose an Explore item: Chinese Auto Shows, then selectable by location and year, any Test Drive done in China (the second image above), that will then list the models we drove, or any Chinese Travel photo report that you can search by year. The second option is to choose a Chinese Sales Segment item: Imports, LCV, New Energy, Retail and Wholesale, that you can then search by year and period.
The 4th tab is for us to detail the Market Services we are offering to our partners, complete with quotes from some of the people we are working with and the latest Strategy articles we have published. Please feel free to click on the “Contact Us Here” button to ask us anything!
The next tabs are related to your Log in details, if you are not currently a Premium or Platinum member of the site you have the opportunity to do so by simply clicking on Sign up! and follow the prompts. Note that this update of the site also now makes Credit Card payment available, whereas for many years the only payment option was Paypal.
We really hope you enjoy this new way of navigating BSCB!
Happy new year too Matt. I’m also in Sydney. Love this site and all the great info.
Thank you very much James!
We’ll have to organise a meet soon.
All the best,
Happy New Year Matt,
As the new year begins, I hope that “Liquid Web” will provide support to improve the navigation through your site’s excellent content.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you for your wishes and praise Lawrence!
Liquid Web aren’t involved in this new navigation work, I have two collaborators Kris and Andy who have worked hard to make this happen.
All the best,
HNY to you too Matt. I really enjoy your immaculate analysis, detailed number crunching and lively road trip reports! 😉
Thank you very much Rick! More road trip reports coming very shortly…