Media post: 5 incredible ways to customise your car
Let’s face it. A car is one of the biggest purchases you can make in your adult life, and you’re likely to own your mechanical baby for a significant amount of time. So if you’d like to customise your car to make it suit your needs better, drive like a boss, and look amazing, there are plenty of options out there for you.
Tint your windows for a mysterious vibe
Tinting your windows is such a great idea. Your car looks awesome, you use less fuel as you don’t need to crank the air conditioner quite so much, and you are protecting your skin by cutting out some harmful UV rays that you’re sure to find on the Sunshine Coast (or anywhere else!). For window tinting work in your local area, you should check out companies like Energy Efficient Tinting to find out what tinting would best suit your car.
Personalise your seats for a touch of your own style
Honestly, it doesn’t really matter for you what your car looks like on the outside, as you’re going to be spending most of your time on the inside. So take some time to upgrade your seats. Perhaps you’d like furry grey seats that remind you of the ‘70s. Perhaps you’re all about hot pink leather. Whatever your deal, it’s your car, so put on the upholstery that you’re going to enjoy!
Speaking of indoors, fix your speakers!
Unless you like to drive in silence, your speakers will be one of the additions you use most in your car, so you may as well have the best ones you can get. While you’re at it, it might be worth checking out Bluetooth connectivity (if your car doesn’t already have it), so you aren’t taking your eyes off the road when you get a phone call. Safety first, kids.
Paint and personalise
Alright, you see the inside more than the outside of your car, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make the outside look amazing! If you’re stuck with a faded peach colour, unstick it and get your car repainted. Make sure the paint you use won’t fade or rust, and is designed for use on cars. Or save yourself the hassle and pay someone else to do it! Another great way to personalise your car is via a personalised number plate that can read any way you like.
Distract your children so they don’t distract you
Hook up some mini screens for those in the back seat so they can watch a movie on a long drive. This will save hours of arguing, fighting and frustrations, and will help you concentrate on the road in front of you. Just remember to buy some headphones to go with those screens!
There are, of course, plenty of customisations you can make to your car. Items like new tyres, better brakes and improved suspension are all incredibly important, but hopefully the list above has given you some ideas for some other fun ways to make your car great. What is your must-have customisation? Share your comments below.