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BECOME A PLATINUM MEMBER (1 year for $199)

Choose between three levels of Membership on BSCB:

Data AccessFreePremiumPlatinum
Unlock the entire site’s content so data tables can be transferred to your files
Access to Full Year Reports data tablesUp to one year after publication
Access to Historical Data tables covering decades for over 100 marketsUp to one year after publication
Access to data tables of monthly updates for all marketsup to 7 days after publicationUp to one year after publication
Access to Exclusive data for markets such as China imports, the UK, RussiaUp to one year after publication

The entire content of the site is currently copyright-locked so copy/paste isn’t possible.  As a Platinum member you unlock all content on the site including the data tables so you can easily transfer the data onto your files.

All data tables automatically lock up seven days after publication. As a Platinum member you access absolutely all data tables for all 9,000 articles on the site regardless of date of publication, accessible by clicking on “Read more” at the bottom of each article. This includes all Historical Data tables for over 100 markets spanning decades and, in the case of France and the United States, over 100 years of data. As a Premium member you can access all data tables for articles published in the past year.

As a Platinum member you have access to all Full Year Reports data tables – up to 140 markets covered each year. Premium members have access to all Full Year Reports published in the past year. These Reports are restricted to Premium/Platinum members on publication day and do not have a 7-day free access period.

As a Platinum member you have access to Exclusive data for markets such as China imports, the UK, Russia and South Korea imports. Premium members have access to Exclusive data published in the past year. Exclusive articles do not have a 7-day free access period on BSCB either.

Please select a membership level:
Note: when upgrading from Premium to Platinum! Your Platinum membership is only $149 for one year starting today regardless of when your Premium membership started.  This discount is automatically applied at checkout!


$50.00 per Year.


$199.00 per Year.



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