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Malaysia August 2018: Third (and final) month without GST sees 26.8% jump

Mazda sales are up 143% year-on-year in Malaysia in August.

* See the Top 45 All-brands by clicking on the title *

The Malaysian new car market continues to benefit from the removal of the 6% Goods and Services Tax (GST) on all car purchases initiated on June 1, with sales shooting up 26.8% to 65.551 units, the third month above the 60.000 mark and leading to a year-to-date tally up 10.1% to 423.730. However this is the last month with no GST, as the 10% sales tax kicks in on September 1 and will mean a much lower sales level for the remainder of the year. Market leader Perodua goes against the grain again with a 4% decline due to the fact it reduced its prices as early as May. Honda (+11%) is also shy but Proton (+47%) back up to #3 for the first time since last May, Toyota (+54%) and Nissan (+37%) all outpace the market in the remainder of the Top 5, as do Mazda (+143%), Mitsubishi (+124%), Isuzu (+83%) and BMW (+58%) in the Top 10. Further down, Land Rover (+327%), Lexus (+214%), Renault (+191%), Subaru (+187%), Volvo (+128%) and Ford (+96%) are among the most dynamic while we welcome Hoka and Shandong Kama in the ranking this month, each with one sale.

Previous month: Malaysia July 2018: No GST boosts market to 2nd largest volume ever

One year ago: Malaysia August 2017: Volkswagen more than doubles sales

Full August 2018 Top XX All-brands ranking below.

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